The Point is a magazine of philosophical writing that embodies two distinct but complementary convictions: on the one hand, that humanistic thinking has relevance for contemporary life; on the other, that our lives are full of experiences worth thinking about. We welcome submissions for our twice-yearly print journal, and for our website (, which is updated continuously.

Each issue of the magazine has three sections: ESSAYS, SYMPOSIUM and REVIEWS. Our essays blend memoir, criticism and journalism to examine the ideas and beliefs that shape our world. The symposium is a collection of responses to a question chosen by the editors (e.g., What is protest for? What is marriage for? What is privacy for?). Reviews can be about pretty much anything at all. Print essays run between 4,000 and 7,000 words; reviews and symposium articles range in length from 1,500 to 3,000 words.

In addition to completed drafts we also accept proposals for reviews and essays. The website runs articles of any length but preferably of about 1,500-3,000 words. Contributors whose articles appear in the print magazine will be compensated. We publish fiction on a limited basis but only open up submissions for fiction a few times a year. Please note that The Point does not publish poetry.

The Point Magazine